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ROS over the network

This page deals with running ROS across multiple machines . This involves choosing one machine to be the master.

Also see ROS network setup


In this scenario, we want to control a mobile robot with a joystick plugged in a a fixed machine. How to do it ? Suppose the master is up and running. How to set up the remote machine :

  • Network issues:
    • Make sure that both machines are on the same network, e.g. wifibotlapap
    • Make sure the master can be reached by its name. For example, add the following line in /etc/hosts: wifibot-lab

  • Install the joystick node:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-joy

  • Export the master and declare the client IP to ROS:

    export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://wifibot-lab:11311
    export ROS_IP=

  • Run the joystick node:

    rosrun joy joy_node

  • You can also run rviz on the slave, to visualize the robot state

    rosrun rviz rviz

In case of trouble, see ROS network setup

lissi/rosovernetwork.txt · Dernière modification : 2013/11/27 16:07 de